Friday, March 28, 2008

Hillarycare Part Deux

The media campaign accompanying the roll out of the plan will include the slogan: "Price caps. They worked for Zimbabwe so why not here?"

Man, I tell you, I'm really starting to think about voting for Hillary. I mean, I've always felt that one of our biggest problems has been our inability to adopt effective policies from other countries. Ireland implemented a flat tax and its economy has gone gang busters. Yet we haven't adopted that policy. Poland slashed its corporate tax rate and has been attracting business investment like crazy. Yet we haven't adopted that policy. Finally we have a candidate who gets it, Hillary. We all know that Zimbabwe has been having a lot of success with price caps so, I'm glad to see a candidate willing to finally adopt one of those winning policies of other governments.

But, I tell you I'm really torn. I really like Hillary but Obama is a proponent of my number one issue this election which is:

1-Figure out a way to get people who made good decisions take the punishment for the bad decisions made by the idiots

That is huge for me. Punishing good behavior has always been important to me but especially this year. So, what to do, what do... Either way, anytime we see candidates advocating the policies that made Cuba so great we are in good shape. That's why it's so tough to pick this year. We've got two candidates advocating the effective policies that China had before they went and screwed up their economy with capitalistic reforms.

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