Wednesday, February 25, 2009

His Excellency Barack Obama

It's difficult to find a suitable title for a President that has already accomplished so much and whose future success is so inevitable. This is not the first time that our country has struggled with presidential titles. A similar debate arose when George Washington was first elected. What do we call him? Any word from the Constitution? Nope. Drat. Well, "His Majesty" seems too highfalutin, ditto with "Your Highness", but then is the title "Mr. President" really suitable for the man who slogged through years of war with lackluster support from a fledgling Congress and risked his life, wealth and well being for the preservation of a nation and ideal?

And along a similar vein, what title is suitable for a Harvard Law grad who tackled head on the scourge of disorganized communities, entered politics by running unopposed for the Democratic Primary after disqualifying his four opponents (including his former sponsor) on technicalities, serving part of a term in the U.S. Senate, being arguably the best self-promoter since Dennis Rodman, and the first African-American President?

We are not in a position to disqualify ANY possible titles and all recommendations are welcome. I think that "His Excellency" is a good baseline and we can work our way up from there.

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