Friday, February 27, 2009

Why Armageddon? (Part I)

We're seeing the beginning of a huge and unprecedented power grab by the Federal Gov't. You may think this is good or bad depending on which side of the aisle you sit on. A lot of us think this is bad...perhaps really bad and I'll explain why in the following series:

Armageddon Part I:
Why is the U.S. so prosperous? Just imagine for a moment that all international borders were wiped out, where do you think most people would emigrate too? If you read an international newspaper or have traveled abroad then you likely answered correctly...the U.S.A. Why is that? Why not Argentina or Brussels, Russia or South Africa? It's because of the rule of law.

See, in America people don't govern per se, the law governs. We take it for granted, but throughout human history this is the exception not the rule. In Venezuela, Hugo Chavez sits on the throne. In America, the Law sits on the throne...not any one man or woman, sultan or pharaoh.

As long as the law is fair, consistent, minimalist, and enforced, people go about their affairs providing for their families, taking risks and investing in themselves and their future. Take your standard baseball game. The players, coaches, fans and umpires all have an understanding that the rules don't change mid-game. Once the law becomes variable, one-sided, invasive and selectively enforced, society breaks down. Just imagine a baseball game (Braves vs. Red Socks) where the owner of the Red Socks puts on the umpire's mask and starts calling the game. How long will the Braves play? How long will fans and coaches hang in there? Let's say that Kawakami steps up to bat and hears a whisper from the ump, "He he, two strikes and you're out kid." It wouldn't take long to ruin the great sport of baseball, or any other sport for that matter. So why not our economy?

The Democrats are putting themselves in a position where they not only write the rules, but will also decide which teams win and lose. Cap and trade on energy, government-run health care...even deciding which charity you want to donate to will be dictated by the government. The game just became a lot less fun.

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