Friday, February 20, 2009

Some Things Never Change

For a moment let's forget that Pres. Obama's Dept of Economic Security just issued a code Orange for the day. Let's pretend that Eastern Europe is not crumbling and on the brink of collapse. Let us ponder the two constants that have seen us through the boom times and the bad. They are:

1) If housing is going up, it's good time to buy. If housing is going down, it's a good time to buy. Moral: Nice to know that it's always a good time to buy a house. (contented sigh...)

2) If tax revenues are going up, the Federal Gov't spends more. If tax revenues are going down, the Federal Gov't spends more. The better things are, the faster the increase in spending. As the economy heads toward utter ruin, the expeditures of the gov't approach infinity. Moral: Even during these corrective times, it's nice to know that someone, somewhere doesn't have to worry about a budget. (wistful sigh looking out window...)

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